Collection: Prenhita

Prehnite is often associated with emotional healing and is believed to help calm emotions, reduce stress, and relieve anxiety. It is used in meditation and spiritual healing to balance emotions.

It is a stone that can increase intuition and connection with the spiritual plane. Some people use it to facilitate communication with spirit guides or angels.

Prehnite helps with mental clarity and decision making. It can help eliminate confusing thoughts and bring a sense of calm and focus.

It is believed that putting a prehnite under the pillow can improve the quality of dreams and help remember their messages.

Promotes balance and harmony in life. It helps keep calm in stressful situations and provides a feeling of well-being.

Prehnite is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to open the heart to compassion, self-love, and love for others.

In some traditions, prehnite is said to protect against negative energies and help create a protective shield around the person who wears it, it is also associated with fertility and motherhood. It is believed that it can help women who want to conceive.

Astrological association: Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces.



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